Sunday School

Children's Ministry Mission Statement

“To touch every child’s heart with the love of Christ in a way that will encourage him to love and seek Christ long after they leave our ministry. We have a sincere love for all children and a deep desire to see them know and grow in Christ.”

Sunday school runs concurrently with our Sunday morning worship service. Classes are staffed solely by committed volunteers who faithfully serve on a rotation of 2 weeks on and 4 weeks off. 

All volunteers must go through our safety and screening process which includes interview and background check.  

  • The first Sunday of the month we share a Community Meal together with all children in attendance. No Sunday school on that day.
  • August is a Sabbatical month for our children’s church workers.  All children are in the main service.  The pastor gives an object lesson each Sunday and each child is given an activity sheet to work on during the pastor’s message.


11:00 AM  | Worship & Class

First Floor Nursery
Ages 0 to 36 months(an usher will assist you with this ministry if needed)

2nd Floor Noah’s Ark Room
All ages
(All classrooms on 2nd floor)